Original art by Heather Thompson, Blue Phoenix Art. Prints Available.
A vision for November 1, 2021
I am healing…
From the inside out.
Every energetic particle
From the stardust that formed
The Universe
To the complex physical systems
That make me ME
I am healing…
From the inside out.
Tucked beneath the wings of
Walking with the protection of
Breathing with the life of
Spirit Sophia
In my lungs
Living each day as a
Yet failing each day because
I am healing…
From the inside out.
Grieving the loss of
Who held my heartbeat in his
Warhorse chest
I begin again
With a new partner
We march empowered
Human with 1200 pound animal
In Freedom
Living nothing less than the
Healing power of the incarnation
The Eternal body of Christ.
– Heather Thompson
TheoArtistic Acquired Savant
For context on The Eternal Body of Christ, I offer the following excerpt from today’s meditation by Franciscan Contemplative Fr. Richard Rohr:
“God, in Christ, is in all, and through all, and with all (see 1 Corinthians 15:28; Colossians 3:11). We call this the Universal Christ or another name for every thing—in its fullness. A spirituality of the Universal Christ is at the same time a creation spirituality. It allows you to start seeing your own soul imaged and given back to you in the soul of everything else. All of creation has soul! The Latin word for soul is anima, which became animal in English. This earth is participating in the mystery of redemption, liberation, and salvation. The whole creation is groaning in one great act of giving birth (see Romans 8:22). The whole thing is being reborn, re-covenanted, and realigned. Instead of seeing natural things as merely objects to be used, we must allow nature to enchant us.”
From the Center for Action and Contemplation
Go behind the scenes and watch short videos of the process of artistic emergence. This is my own neurodivergence at play, as the grace of a life altering concussion awakened synesthesia and innate TheoArtistry where none existed before. These gifts have come with the challenge of healing and integration, but ultimately art calms my soul by giving form to the formless…so I may heal.