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Awakening Prayer for all who Desire Healing

As I awaken this early morning, and gaze out my window to the brilliant evergreen trees surrounding my mountainside home like sentinels ~ guardians ~ angels, my first thought is to pray.

Old grown evergreen trees in mountainside forest.
Heather Thompson, "Outside my Window"

This morning I pray for all of those who have asked for prayer; for those whose names are written on my heart; for those I love and for those whom they love; for my own healing and for the healing of those closest to my soul.

I pray for the creatures, wild and domestic, that they too share in the healing of the Divine.

I pray for our entire world in the face of global pandemic and strife; for people known and unknown suffering from the impact of COVID in all its forms; for the millions of children orphaned; for the untold numbers of lives forever changed.

As I awaken this morning, I pray for healing for all those in need. I pray for respite, love and hope, tucked safely beneath the soft but mighty wings of God.

As I awaken this morning, I pray that God pours forth grace and courage, that I may open my eyes each day anew with the awareness that VIRIDITAS - the greening power of God - flows through all that IS at every moment.

I humbly pray that the Feminine spark of Holy Fire burn brighter for those in need of specific healing, whose names I hand to God (Reader- you are invited to pause and think on names that you want to add to this prayer) and for the entirely of Creation in desperate need of restoration to balance and health.

Heather and Harvey ~ "Hearts Beat Together"

God, I pray these words with the mighty heart of Harvey, my beloved champion warhorse who now resides with you, yet whose heart still beats with mine.

I release the energy of my prayers to the old growth trees standing just outside my morning window; that they may hold loving space for this genuine and courageous awakening prayer.


Heather Thompson

July 22, 2021


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